Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Sunny and 12 degrees....

What a change in the weather, today was glorious so after I'd been out to buy my seed potatoes and onion sets I got stuck into the new onion bed. Some stones and lots of roots removed and so far two bin loads of wood ash dug in. Tomorrow promises to be lovely as well so I'm aiming to get the onion bed completely dug over and to add some very well rotted manure. I'm hoping this will work OK as the soil really needs some additional hummus given it's a bit like - well- sand!  I know you are not supposed to plant onions into newly manure ground but I'm going to wait a couple of weeks AND keep my fingers crossed. My neighbours plant their onions in newly manured ground with good results so I'm going to give it a go.

While I was out digging hubbie popped all the seed potatoes into the trays so they can get on with their chitting thing. He even put little labels on the front so I know what's in the trays. I've stuck with Dolwens which have always performed well for me both in the growing and the storing.  I've also bought some Charlottes to try and am considering nipping back to the shop to buy some of a variety called Yona a multipurpose potato that is resistant to blight. The onions will have to sit there patiently for a couple of weeks. What a great feeling to be out in the sun getting something done in the garden.

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