I did manage to get out yesterday for a couple of hours so all the soft fruit that needed cutting down is done and a tiny wee bit of the veggie plot has been weeded but today the snow returned so it was a bit of indoor work. This is what I've sown - two types of tomatoes one is Ferline the other Lupita (cherry type) both are F1's and are supposedly blight resistant - watch this space! Then three types of sweet pepper including a long variety called Rokita, some Basil and five varieties of chili peppers one of which looks very much like a cherry tomato. I tried to grow Kilian (that's the orange one) last year but the seeds failed to germinate maybe better luck this time. Oh, and some aubergine - absolutely the last time I am going to try these - hmmm I think I said that last year! My plan is to grow them in seriously manured ground to see if that suits them any better than my rather feeble veggie plot soil.
Finally. we're on the cranes migratory route and two days ago they started flying North a sure sign spring is on its way.