Picked the last of the pot marigold flowers yesterday and poured boiling water over the petals to make a tea to help sooth sore eyes. Noticed the borage still has some flowers showing must try eating those - friends say they taste like oysters!
Finally, I can't even begin to think about the work that needs to be done on this veggie plot. Spent so much time in the garden over the rest of the year that the house has been neglected - so the garden needs to be neglected to catch up indoors! I went to pick some carrots this morning but something had beaten me too it. Lovely carrot leaves but only a top ring of carrot left. Well, you've got to share with nature. If they're going to feed the short tailed voles that will keep my long-eared owl roost happy!
Even the humble kale flowers! Have you had a warm winter so far then? Yes, it's definitely DIY season now while the garden is at rest - I've been painting away myself. How did the sweet corn and Good King Henry work out for you? That's two new veg on my list for 2015. And did you succeed with okra?
ReplyDeleteYes, DIY mode it is plus family history catchup - love the research hate the write up but it has to be done! Corn didn't go in as I had no room left. Okra - germinated well grew to about 5cm then died. Good King Henry didn't germinate at all. Not great results but won't stop me trying again next year. I'm still picking lettuce and have been since about April don't think we've bought any salad leaf this year - so yes pretty mild winter until a couple of nights ago. We've got mountains of rotting manure so I'm hoping for good things next year.