Saturday, 18 October 2014

Bit of a pick over

Really went out to do a bit of weeding but got a little distracted.  This is the final pick of the squashes I reckon in total I've got about  45 usable squashes to see us through the winter.


I am hopeless at thinning out as I want to give all the plants a chance - that is so silly I know.  In an effort to get over this I ruthlessly thinned out three rows of turnips and four rows of swede - now the remainder had better repay me with plump roots. I didn't thin out these carrots so there are lots of teeny weeny ones. Plenty more growing in the veggie plot which I will thin out.


Last of these long mild chillies I should think as there are no more flowers appearing and we can't be too far off a frost. These have performed well for me this year. I think they are called Doux  Les Landes.


Finally, picked a few beetroot, more calendula flower heads for balm and some over blown calabrese that will make its way into a soup pot.

IMG_3841Now, best get out there and actually do some weeding before the sun goes down!



  1. Those squashes look really impressive. I bought seeds for next year but have never grown squash before. Do you get more than one squash per plant? I'm wondering how much space to allocate for them.

  2. I think the accepted wisdom is about a metre square per plant. Personally, if I get five good sized squashes per plant I think I'm doing well. To save space I trailed mine down the sides of the path. I'd grow golden nugget again - it does not trail and crops well. I've grown winter carnival in the past and would grow again if I could get hold of some seeds.
