Friday, 30 January 2015
Guess what!
It's still raining. Just thankful it has not come down as snow else I'd be buried under the white stuff. The poor hens look like drowned rats - but are liking the extra rations of sunflower kernels I'm giving them out of pity! Did venture out at lunchtime to see if there were any pickings to be had and once trimmed was left with this little lot - a wee cabbage, kale, perpetual spinach, tiny swedes and tiny turnips. Those were combined with some of our carrots and store bought leeks to produce 14 portions of veggie soup - 12 of which are now in the freezer. That really is it for the veggie patch until the new season. In the basement I've still got golden nugget and butternut squashes left and tray of (almost) past their sell by date potatoes.
Friday, 9 January 2015
Can someone turn the water off!
It has been raining here non stop for days. We had one sunny day where I tried to do a bit of weeding but the ground is so sodden every single weed I pulled had about five pounds of soil attached to its roots. The garden is looking so sad, the grass got away from us in the autumn so now it's looking downright awful and Mr Mole is having a field day. The picture below is to remind me to get on top of the grass before winter!

Really looking forward to some warm dry weather so I can get some outside work done. The good news it I've managed to get all the indoor stuff on my list done! Hope the weather is better where you are...roll on springtime.
Really looking forward to some warm dry weather so I can get some outside work done. The good news it I've managed to get all the indoor stuff on my list done! Hope the weather is better where you are...roll on springtime.
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