Time to get a move on. The garden is open for charity on the 28th and 29th (gulp) of this month. Well, the irises are now well past their best but a few late varieties are still putting on a show. This orange one is tagged for moving though as it just does not work where it is.

The veggie plot is going to have to get on with it now that I've finished planting. The tomato (19) chilies (6) and cucumber (4) plants are in with only the tomato plants left to stake. I've planted two butternut and three gold nugget squashes the rest of my squash plants I'm going to plant around the garden some will go in the asparagus bed once I get round to edging and weeding that bed.

Everything planted and weeded what a good feeling! Most of the seeds I've sown have started to germinate but no sign of the parsnips yet just as well I planted poached egg plant along side so if no parsnips at least there will be some flowers.

Tiny wee squashes in front of the Omlet sign and some seedling starting to show through. The comfrey I thought I had removed appears to be back! That's OK the bees love the stuff and it's good for the old compost bins. I like to have a single row of flowers (or little shrubs) across the beds - so far I've got the comfrey FoC , a row of perennial geraniums from cuttings and to come from seed Zinnia, poached egg plant, nasturtium oh and some freesia. Along with the veggie I've planted out basil seedlings and sown masses of coriander. I've sown a single row of dill in with the cucumber as it's supposed to help root growth. The little wigwam I made from twigs and twine to support the runner beans. Not sure if it's up to the task but I like the look of it.

I've got rasps and a grapevine on the wall next to our neighbour's field - they seem to be doing well and take no looking after. Last year I got about 6 bunches of grapes the first I've had off the plant. Now if this little lot can just get on and grow I can tackle the rest of the garden.