Finally, wee seedlings starting to look like something. Must admit though very weedy in appearance at the moment. The worst ones (safflower seedlings) I've repotted and they look 100% better. The rest will will have to hold out till the end of next week before being rehoused. The only thing that has not germinated (so far) is some 10 year old white hollyhock seeds the cassis variety (same age) has germinated. This little lot includes tomatoes, peppers, chilies, okra, aubergines, hollyhocks and agastache 'honey bee blue' oh, and some Lavatera.

Around the garden most of the daffs have gone over but the tulips are still looking good. I've been doing some more planting in the island beds - just hope I've not over planted as I do want to put some veggies in here. It's amazing everything is still looking so green it's an age since we had any rain plus the sun has made an appearance almost everyday since we returned from Spain...not going to grumble about too much sun though!

The pond had a top up yesterday so the bright green water is looking a bit less green. Just need to be patience and let the plants do their thing and a couple of weeks from now and it should be clear. Does not seem to bother the multitude of frogs that are sunning themselves at the edges. This is the only place the hens totally avoid I think they must be afraid of the water.
The first of the early iris are starting to come out. All the iris in this area are supposed to be blue, white and mauve but there's an orange one lurking and I must move it this year as it stick out like a sore thumb. That bugle's gone a bit Bismark it was only a tiny scarp I planted but it seems to have taken off. Definitely going to have to thin this lot out at the end of the season as some plants are getting totally swamped.

In the veggie plot I've managed to get the onions and garlic planted and about a third of the potatoes. Tomorrow I will hopefully finish the potatoes then I can complete the weeding and get some more seeds in. Still have not got around to fencing in those pesky hens. I think I need more hours in the day.