Left France for Spain last week - time away from the wind and rain for a while. Just before I departed snapped a couple of pictures. The first is some unfinished work. I had hoped to complete the slight enlargement to the veggie plot before I left but the weather was not kind and trying to edge sodden ground is no fun. So this is the first thing I'll be doing when I get home in March. You can see I've got lots of lovely tree roots to remove before I can make use of this new patch. Also, need to think about fencing in the plot to keep the hens at bay. Not sure how to do it cheaply and for it to look good at the same time?
This next picture is quite amazing for me at least - taken 11th of February and the squashes I'd got left still looked good! They've been in the basement on a slatted table in the light for a good 4 months . I've put the small ones in the compost but left the big one to see if it manages to hold on till March. When I've kept them in the basement where it's dark they have never lasted this long.
Finally, this is where you hope the winter continues as is and doesn't decide to go into free fall temperature wise. The rhubarb is all coming up. I grew this from seed last year but didn't pull any stalks looks like I've got about 10 good plants appearing so looking forward to some rhubarb crumble come the spring. I've planted a ruby red monarda between each rhubarb plant so hope this row looks and tastes good. The monarda I bought as a tiny plant last spring and by autumn it was over a foot in diameter so I split it into 10 pieces and replanted . Let's hope I've not been too mean with the transplanting and they bulk up quickly.